new age
see also: New Age

new age (uncountable)

  1. (often, capitalized) A modern spiritual and religious movement, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas, that developed towards the end of the 20th century.
  2. New Age music.

new age

  1. (often, capitalized) Of or relating to the New Age movement.
    At this point in history, the most radical, pervasive, and earth-shaking transformation would occur simply if everybody truly evolved to a mature, rational, and responsible ego, capable of freely participating in the open exchange of mutual self-esteem. There is the "edge of history." There would be a real New Age - Ken Wilber
  2. Of or relating to New Age music.

New Age

new age

  1. Of or relating to a broad movement in Western culture, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas, often spirituality, mysticism, holism, and environmentalism, and partially based on eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, that developed towards the end of the 20th century.
  2. (music genre) Of or relating to New Age music.

new age

  1. A modern spiritual and religious movement.
  2. (music genre) Ellipsis of New Age music#English|New Age music.

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